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Olivia Rouamba, ministre des Affaires étrangères : « La démocratie oui, mais il le faut à l’africaine »

23 octobre 2023, 18:39, par Nabiiga

@ Fuck You French

Whereas it remains your absolute right to express yourself in a language of your choice, this forum is largely French. You are better served posting in French even in very poor French ; someone, with the same level of French, can and will understand you. This having been said, let Nabiiga help you with your English because it is very bad. Note : Corrections are in bold. Don’t mess around here, pal !!!!

I have noticed that there many people out here that (instead of ’that’, please replace with the relative pronoun ’who’) behave like (instead of ’like’ replace with ’as if’) they are (instead of ’are’ replace with ’were’ not aware of the current situation of our country (Burkina Faso. We all know that the democracy for (wrong preposition : instead of ’for’, please replace with ’in’ ) Africa is far away (instead of ’far away’ please replace with ’different’) different from the west (’the west indicating the geographical landscape is written in English with a capital ’W’ ) and America. We have people that (replace with : people who think) think there (instead of ’there’ replace with ’they are’ intelligent, (we have people that think that there intelligent, replace with : there are people who think that they are) by contrast (if you intend to use the word ’contrast, then you are using the wrong pronoun. Replace : ’in contrast’. Constrast, though, is the wrong word to use. You probably meant, ’contrary to’) they are everything apart (they are everything apart from : please replace with, they are everything except) from (you are missing ’being’ here) intelligent. We Africans must come together as one (we Africans must come together as one : replace with ’one people, to mean one homogenous community’ to ( in order to develop you should say) develop, you can all notice (no, notice is a noun, not a verb and cannot be used as such) we are already late( ’late’ is colloquial. (We have to step (No, not step, but stop) thinking just for oneself (No, not stop thinking for oneself) but for ourselves ( everybody). And for those who are not Burkinese better (no, you are missing a the verb ’to be’. say : it is better for you) for you to stay away (stay away from where, you need a predicate in your sentence) if you will not propose something valuable. (the last sentence is probably not what you want to say)

Please make it point to write always in French notwithstanding your inalienable right to express yourself in any language of your choice here. If you post in a language nobody understands, your goal of sharing your opinion is defeated, there and then. Understood ?

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